Rock lobster / Panulirus penicillatus For Sale

Product : Panulirus Penicillatus / Rock Lobster Available For Sale

Size :
1 kg up
800 – 1 kg
600 – 800
500 – 600
300 – 500
200 – 300
150 – 200

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Rock lobster is the general designation for the species Panulirus penicillatus in Indonesian. The Latin name for rock lobster is “Panulirus penicillatus.” Rock lobster is a type of lobster that is found in tropical waters in the Pacific Ocean region and is a target for fishermen and seafood connoisseurs.

Here are some general specifications of the rock lobster (Panulirus penicillatus):

  1. Body Size: Rock lobsters vary in body size, but average about 20 to 30 centimeters in length. Some large individuals can reach up to 40 centimeters or more.
  2. Color: The color of the rock lobster can vary from red to brown to green, and sometimes has spots or stripes on its body.
  3. Antennae: Rock lobsters have two pairs of antennae, one of which is longer than the other. This antenna is used to detect the surrounding environment and serves as a navigation tool.
  4. Head and Shell: The head of the rock lobster is located at the front of its body and is protected by a hard shell. These shells have many scales or other hard parts that help protect the lobster from harm.
  5. Tail and Fins: Rock lobsters have powerful tails that are used to swim and move themselves on the ocean floor. They also have fins on the abdomen that help in movement.
  6. Habitat: Rock lobsters are commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific Ocean. They often live in coral reefs and shallow waters.

It is important to remember that the characteristics and specifications of rock lobsters can vary in different regions and their habitats. In addition, protections and regulations regarding rock lobster fishing can vary in different countries and regions, as this species is important for maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems. Therefore, it is important to always adhere to local rules and regulations when it comes to rock lobsters and other marine resources.

The taste of rock lobster (Panulirus penicillatus) is generally considered very delicious by many people who love seafood. The taste of rock lobster is sweet, savory, delicious texture, fresh sea taste, easy to absorb taste, and the best quality when fresh. However, the taste can vary slightly depending on various factors, including how it is cooked and the food.



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